About Tourism 100 Index
The Tourism 100 is our annual ranking of the largest 100 tourism industry corporations worldwide as measured by total revenue. We limited the Tourism 100 report by Airlines, Hotels, Tour Operators and Travel Agencies. Each corporation has quoted on the stock exchange. We also separated our search into segments such as Top 15 Tour Operators Worldwide, Top 20 Travel Agencies Worldwide, Top 40 Hotels Worldwide and Top 50 Airlines Worldwide.
Everyone needs to get away every once in a while. But before you embark on your jour- ney, take a look at this list of the top tourism companies in the world, listed by their prominence. This list of major tourism companies includes the largest and most profi- table tourism businesses, corporations, agencies, hotels and airlines in the world. If you are wondering what the biggest tourism companies are, then this list has you covered. This list includes the most famous tourism companies in the industry. This list includes names of the largest tourism businesses. Looking for a travel companies list or just one tourism company in particular? This list should be a good start.
This list has a variety of companies, like Intercontinental Hotels Group, American Airli- nes Group, Thomas Cook Group and Expedia Inc., in it.
This list answers the questions, “What are the biggest travel companies in the world?” and “What are the most successful tourism companies?”